... step into my garden

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The End of Batman

Yes, my friends, the Batman of Nolan has ended, but boy oh boy ... what an ending. I'll try to keep it ZERO spoilers so here goes...

The movie is quite epic, there are fist fights and gunfights and spectacular stuff going on. Batman goes like whoosh and bam and hrmph and wheee, Bane goes like wheee bam kabooom and Catwoman goes like meow meow bam bum. Myyeah ... I think that's spoiler free enough.

Now back to the movie itself, there are two problems that I had with the previous Batman film (TDK). First is that he was whining most of the time, and second is that it felt more like Joker Begins than Batman anything. I was afraid TDKR would be something like Bane Begins or Catwoman Begins, but fortunately bats gets about as much screentime as the two and for once doesn't come through as a complete and utter woosy.

Even though I will not spoil the ending, I do want to take this moment to thank Nolan for not pulling another Inception on us and providing an actual proper (and really good) ending. It was the ending I was hoping for (really). So, many thanks to mr Nolan...

I just wish he would make a couple more of these ...

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