... step into my garden

Thursday, January 8, 2009

To Oz and back...

Welcome to Oztrailia! The land where kangaroos jump around freely ... and get shot... Uhm, let me rephraze that. The land where old peopele walk around freely ... buttnaked ... Maybe I should stop right there, and continue...

I just checked the figures for this movie on IMDB, and I'm a little puzzled... It's not getting that much attention at the box office. I am puzzled because I found this movie to be EXTRAORDINARY! The acting, the shooting, directing, scenery, everything came together and took me from this gray dull world to Oz... a place of magic and romance ... of comedy, adventure and happy endings.

I simply can't figure out what Titanic has done better than this movie. Maybe they should've killed the Drover and let that Fletcher fellow live ...

I read this opinions on the net of people complaining it's too long... Geesh, everybody's in a hurry these days... I was in no hurry whatsoever...

It's one of those love it or hate it movies. I LOVED IT!

...guess I'm just a sucker for romantic movies.

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