... step into my garden

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kings of the JetLag

To begin with I have to say that I hate flying in airplanes... there ... I said it ... I don't like getting on an airplane and I'm not ashamed of admitting it. Helicopters ... now that's another story, but more on that later ...

A few years back while arriving in Morocco, I've had the beautiful opportunity of a jet lag like experience. I woke up at 6AM for a month or more, but I wasn't really mad about it since it meant I got to work early. So, the perspective of a 7 hours jet lag was not very exciting. I was in anticipation of the 10 hours flight and what followed afterwards...

What actually happened is that I sat in a cinema and watched 3 movies while some strange men and women in black clothes were continuously bringing me food and beverages, and after I got out of the theater I went to sleep at about 10'o clock and got up early in the morning. And that was that ... no dizzy heads ... no confusion ... the jet lag had been defeated swiftly ... HA

as for what happened when we returned ... now that's another story ... 2 days and counting and the jet lag is still the winner ...

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